These days we have multi-core Intel and AMD CPU‘s. Memory with Gigabytes of capacity. Fast Solid State Drives with Terabytes of available storage. But with all these powerful new specs software, VST and AU plugins, run out of resources or start lagging or not performing as well in bigger production or recording projects.
The reason is, due to available technology, software and plugin developers write their programs to utilize more resources, thinking that since there are more powefull computers today that the can sparingly and freely write code to use more memory and cpu power.
Similar applies to Sample Libraries and Sample based software instruments. Back in the days of 90’s, 2000’s software instruments used Kilobytes sometimes megabytes of memory and sounded pretty good. The developers and sound designers worked very hard and were very creative in order to make good sounds with small memory footprint. These days to achieve same type of sound quality developers would use gigabytes of memory. But on the hand today we have Sample Libraries, especially orchestral ones, that sound much better than most of the samples or software instruments from a two decades ago.